Interbrand releases it’s Best Global Brands 2010. The world’s biggest brands, how much they’re worth and how they’ve changed over time.
Lola Dupré has an awesome collection of portraits in her folio. All made by hand with paper and scissors.
Wikipedia, the book.
When routine bites hard
*Annemieke van Fulpen-Baak in Room 902 of the Amsterdam Hilton, March 1969 and March 2009

Japanese designers Katsunari and Ami Igarashi have solved the age-old “If-only-my-shirt-had-a-microfiber-cloth-section-to-clean-my-iPhone-with” conundrum.
*A picture perfect finish to the day. #tryinghardnottotweetabouttheweather
*Tetris: behind the scenes.
*Fibonacci broccoli
*Domo Concerto
*Aviator Chair
*Ken Cosgrove and Harry Crane discover the MacBook.
*Disapproval stamps.
Bento box artwork.