There is but one truly serious philosophical problem, and that is suicide. Judging whether life is or is not worth living amounts to answering the fundamental question of philosophy.

Albert Camus


Music by definition
does not exist.



Creative. The least important, most important thing there is.

Don Draper


Since time is simply another dimension, it makes no more sense to say that future time doesn’t exist because “we haven’t gotten there yet” than to say the rest of the road we are walking down doesn’t exist because “we haven’t gotten there yet.”

Richard Carrier


The bulk of The Suburbs focuses on this quiet desperation borne of compounding the pain of wasting your time as an adult by romanticizing the wasted time of your youth.

Pitchfork on The Suburbs


Advertising is what happens on TV when people go to the bathroom.

Eric Silver


Just as a chimpanzee can’t understand quantum theory, it could be there are aspects of reality that are beyond the capacity of our brains.

Stephen Hawking


Didn’t the Vatican say we were satanic or possibly satanic — and they’ve still forgiven us? I think the Vatican, they’ve got more to talk about than the Beatles.

Ringo Starr


Homeopathy – the air guitar of medicine

Peter Harrison


Most educated people are aware that we are the outcome of nearly 4 billion years of Darwinian selection. But many tend to think that humans are still somehow the culmination of that. Our sun, however, is less than halfway through its lifespan. It will not be humans who watch that sun’s demise 6 billion years from now. Any creatures that then do exist will be as different from us as we are from bacteria or amoeba.

Sir Martin Rees (via sixtyforty)


Good design is all about making other designers feel like idiots because the idea wasn’t theirs.

Frank Chimero


We’re all naturally curious when we’re eight years old. But as most people get older, they become less and less curious, so they ask other people to be curious for them. That’s what I do for a living.

Ron Miriello
